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FV, the Argentine company, leader in faucets, presented its new institutional commercial to celebrate its first century of life.

The ad, which is broadcast on over-the-air television, cable, radio and social networks, was created by the agency Interactivity. Ariel Kogutek, its General Creative Director and partner, says: “We wanted to show FV’s one hundred years of life, not only thinking about the past, but with a prospective look into the future. The brand has been present for 100 years in Argentina and we wanted to tell how it was part of such a prominent place as the kitchen. FV was a privileged witness of the dynamics in this space and that is what we wanted to reflect in this ad.”

For his part, Diego Viegener, FV’s Commercial Manager says: “As part of the company’s 100 years of life, we wanted to reaffirm the commitment to our different audiences throughout so many years. In FV we renew day by day the challenge of offering the best products, with quality and technology, to continue offering the best and to continue being a safe choice”.

Technical Data

Agency: Interactivity

General Creative Direction: Gustavo Mames / Ariel Kogutek

Responsible for the client: Diego Viegener / Virginia Campodónico / Claudio Bernal

Director: Juan Jaureguiberry

Producer: Guillermo Rosic

Director of Photography: Alan Badan

Art Director: Mercedes Boidi

Costume Designer: Agustina Aguinaga

Post Production: Leo Aramburu

Band and Voiceover: Big Sound

Location:  Pampa Studios

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