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Although some companies still fear online consumer reviews, opinions have become a fundamental pillar for building reputation, brand identity and building trust. Customers’ own decisions in ecommerce can determine the immediate future of online shopping. Nearly 97% of users seek reviews from others before shopping on the web. 

In addition, online reviews and the image that is built within an ecommerce also affects offline shopping: 9 out of 10 users look for reviews of a store before visiting it. All this reaffirms the importance of incorporating what consumers think in e-commerce, as a value-added element that improves results and customer experience. 

The comments must be truthful, beyond the fear that the competition may leave false negative words. The goal should focus on achieving 100% authentic opinions, from those customers who actually bought in the store to increase trust and thus increase the conversion rate. The site gains credibility and the comments reinforce that the promises are real. 

Another aspect that stands out in consumer reviews is transparency. When the online store handles feedback correctly, it builds a loyal community that reflects positive attention. In a market where it is becoming increasingly difficult to find product information, making it possible to express opinions freely and transparently is part of the brand’s identity. 

A good feedback strategy not only improves the relationship between consumers and the online store, but also acts to receive in real time how are the customer experiences in the buying process. Receiving feedback on a constant basis allows to know the strongest points and the errors to be corrected. Ecommerce needs information to build and make better decisions within the business. 

According to a Relationship Marketing Study carried out by a Marketing Association in Spain, 7 out of 10 consumers consider that ecommerce was fundamental in the context of the pandemic. Eighty percent of those surveyed say they post reviews to help others and 88% consult them to make a decision before buying. These figures are even more relevant during Cyber Monday or Black Friday: 74% of consumers continue to check these reviews, beyond online discounts. 


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